IMCA sport mods race Saturday at the Willamette Speedway in Lebanon, Ore. IMCA, or the International Motor Contest Associated, hosted its first modified car race in 1972 in Benton County, Iowa on a ¼ mile dirt track. They now sanction races in 36 states which host these modified cars, a combination of open-wheel cars and stock cars.

A racer's son flies by on a scooter in the pit Saturday at Willamette Speedway in Lebanon, Ore. The pit is full of racers, with kids in tow, working on their cars and karts prepping for their qualifying races or making tweaks before their final race of the night. The kids keep themselves entertained by picking up discarded helmet tear-offs (thin plastic shields to quickly get rid of mud on a visor) and run a race of their own.

The sun sets over Willamette Speedway Saturday in Lebanon, Ore. as the crowd waits for the next race to start. The ⅓ mile dirt track hosts a wide variety of races, from tiny wingless sprint karts to street stock cars.