Rosie McHugh spins alpaca fiber into yarn Saturday during the Kankakee Farmers Market in downtown Kankakee. The alpaca fiber comes from the family farm and used to produce various items from yarn to socks and insoles.

Leslie McHugh, left, runs their farm booth Saturday during the Kankakee Farmers Market in downtown Kankakee while Rosie McHugh spins yarn from their families alpaca herd. The farm was established in 2007 in rural Martinton, and is home to an alpaca herd, dogs, cats, chicken and ducks. Leslie McHugh co-ops her alpaca fiber with various other farmers and artists to create such goods as yarn, gloves and socks.

Yarn spun from alpaca fibers is sold Saturday during the Kankakee Farmers Market in downtown Kankakee. Alpacas on Heidelberr farm are raised in a sustainable and holistic way by Leslie McHugh and her family.