Dwight Township High School Lady Trojans join together on the field Tuesday after a 7-6 win against Hayworth. The team was nocked out of last years sectional title game by Hayworth, but now will be moving on to sectional championships.

Dwight Township High School player LynnDee Hale throws in a hit Tuesday during the Class 1A Sectional semifinal softball game at Dwight Township.

Dwight Township High School players Abby Edwards, left, and Macey Rodosky, show relief after a close play Tuesday during the Class 1A Sectional semifinal softball game at Dwight Township.

Dwight Township High School player Katy Edwards attempts to tag out a Hayworth player Tuesday during the Class 1A Sectional semifinal softball game at Dwight Township.

Dwight Township High School player Kaitlyn Masching hits the ball Tuesday during the Class 1A Sectional semifinal softball game at Dwight Township.

Dwight Township High School player Abby Edwards throws a pitch Tuesday during the Class 1A Sectional semifinal softball game at Dwight Township.