
Liberty Elementary students and teachers release balloons Wednesday in honor of National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The students were asked to write down what makes them happy and attach it to the balloon.

A Chariton Valley Electric Coop worker demonstrates the power of an electrical line Thursday during the Monroe County agriculture day. The demonstration was used to teach the students about safety near electrical lines and what to do in cases of an emergency.

A marshmallow lights on fire after toughing a high voltage power line Thursday during a safety demonstration. Tree branches, marshmallows and hot dogs were used to show the effects of touching an electrical wire.

Students look at drawings of farms and agriculture Thursday during the Monroe County agriculture day. Classes were asked to draw farm scenes and the art was judged to award prizes to the winning class.

Lily Kester dressed as Theodor Geisel, better know as Dr. Seuss, during the Fifth Grade Wax Museum Friday at Horace Mann Elementary. The students were asked to complete a research paper about a famous person of their choice. They then dressed as the person they had chosen and presented interesting facts about the person to a crowd.